Electrical safety is everyone;s responsibility
05 February 2024Electrical safety is everyone’s responsibility, if you see it report it - don’t leave it to someone else
From time to time RMK will post company news, sucess stories as well as some horror stories.
Electrical safety is everyone’s responsibility, if you see it report it - don’t leave it to someone else
Insulation tape - next best thing since sliced bread - found in a school - someone should know better
PAT Testing is electrical housekeeping - mitigate risk and maintain insurance continuity
Check your storage heaters before the first cold snap of the year..
Damaged or missing feet constitute a fire risk if the heater is in direct contact with your flooring
If you see a problem report it - it is everyone’s responsibility
School Safety - found in plain view in a very expensive school
Someone should have taken a bit more time and care, but time is money….
Insulation Tape is not a safety fix !!
Someone has taped this up, in the long term you may cost your employed way more than a new adaptor
Be careful with extension leads, often damaged by doorways and tools
Need to be checked regularly for safety and reliability
Regular testing will intercept a problem such as this before it becomes a fire