PAT Testing Record Keeping

Why keep PAT Test records?

  • Under Regulation 29 of the Electricity at Work Regulations for a duty holder has to ‘prove that he took all reasonable steps and exercised all due diligence to avoid the commission of that offence’.

A regular programme of PAT Testing and electrical safety testing would address any concerns that the appropriate steps would be taken to ensure the electrical safety of pupils, employees, students,patients, tenants or guests.

An efficient source of record keeping is essential if a systematic, organised and certified form of portable appliance testing is to be implemented.

The benefits of recording PAT Test Results

  • PAT Test records are essential in the event of a prosecution for electrical safety related issues
  • Regular PAT Testing records can help to reduce insurance premiums
  • Regular PAT Testing allows the tracking of the health of all electrical appliance and ensures the removal of unsafe items

Want to know why PAT Testing records are so important to electrical safety and your organisation – talk to a PAT Testing expert today and learn more about our Portable Appliance Testing Services, contact us on 01444 616206 or via email at